in OmniFocus

A solution to Premature Quick Entry

You’ve done it a million times: You added a task in Quick Entry. Then, seconds later, you came across a link that would have been useful to include. Or an idea that should be part of that task.

At this point, you have two options:

  1. Quickentry a new task with more details. You’ll have to merge the two later, but hey.
  2. Edit the task:
    • Switch to OmniFocus
    • Locate the task (which might require opening a new window and some digging)
    • Select the task
    • ⌘-' into the Notes field
    • Add details while they’re fresh
      (By now, you’ve totally broken your flow – and eliminated any benefit of using Quick Entry in the first place – but that’s it’s a small price for being organized.)
  3. Fire up LaunchBar, hit a-n-space to access the Append Note to Newest Task script, and type your note. Tap Enter and rejoice: your note is added to that task you just created, and you haven’t lost your flow.

If you want to add links or other notes instead – or you (gasp!) don’t use LaunchBar or Alfred – just execute the script without custom input and it will append your clipboard contents instead.


Append Note to Newest Task

p.s. Related but far less useful: Append Note to Selected Task(s)

p.p.s. Updated 2015-05-17 to work around a bug that overwrites a file attachment when editing a task note.

For those with something to say:
